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INI File
163 lines
LUL2MAX Deluxe version 3.34
Local UpLoads to Maximus - Copyright (c) 1993 by John Medland
PHOTO 334 BBS! Toronto, Canada (416) 539-9591 FidoNet 1:250/840
[ifexist]hotkey$.flg [menu_cmd chg_hotkeys]change
[ifexist]hotkey$.flg [delete]hotkey$.flg
[cyan]Upload to[white]: [yellow][file_cname]
[ifexist]activate.$$$ [cyan]Processing[white]: ON
[ifexist]activate.$$$ [goto active]
[cyan]Processing[white]: OFF
[white]File to upload? [cyan][readln]
[ifentered] [cls quit]
[ifentered]! [goto toggle]
[ifentered]dir [goto listdir]
[ifentered]k [menu_cmd file_kill]file
[ifentered]k [goto top]
[ifentered]v [menu_cmd type]file
[ifentered]v [enter goto top]
[ifentered]l [menu_cmd locate]file
[ifentered]l [goto top]
[ifentered][[ [key_poke][[
[ifentered][[ [menu_cmd area_change]file
[ifentered][[ [goto top]
[ifentered]] [key_poke]]
[ifentered]] [menu_cmd area_change]file
[ifentered]] [goto top]
[ifentered]r [menu_cmd raw]file
[ifentered]r [white]
[ifentered]r [white enter goto top]
[ifentered]e [link]misc\lul2xtrn
[ifentered]e [goto top]
[ifentered]c [menu_cmd contents]file
[ifentered]c [white]
[ifentered]c [enter goto top]
[ifentered]h [menu_cmd file_hurl]file
[ifentered]h [goto top]
[ifentered]o [menu_cmd override_path]file
[ifentered]o [goto top]
[ifentered]a [menu_cmd Area_Change]File
[ifentered]a [cls goto top]
[ifentered]f [menu_cmd File_Titles]File
[ifentered]f [white]
[ifentered]f [white enter cls][goto top]
[ifentered]s [cls][dos]misc\lul2dos.bat %Q
[ifentered]s [goto top]
[ifentered]? [goto help]
[ifentered]? [goto help]
[ifexist]%Q\%J "[response]" already exists in [file_cname]
[ifexist]%Q\%J [white]Continue? [[y,N] [cyan][menu]yn|
[ifexist]%Q\%J [choice]n[goto top]
[ifexist]%Q\%J [choice]|[goto top]
[ifexist]%Q%J "[response]" already exists in [file_cname]
[ifexist]%Q%J [white]Continue? [[y,N] [cyan][menu]yn|
[ifexist]%Q%J [choice]n[goto top]
[ifexist]%Q%J [choice]|[goto top]
[hotkeys][write]hotkeys toggled
[hotkeys][menu_cmd chg_hotkeys]change
[white]Full PATH to [response] (include backslash): [cyan][menu]abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!/\-.
[choice]|[goto top]
[ifexist]hotkey$.flg [menu_cmd chg_hotkeys]change
[ifexist]hotkey$.flg [delete]hotkey$.flg
[cyan]Copying [response] to [file_cname]
[dos]copy %C%R%J %Q
[ifexist]%Q\%J [goto goodone]
[ifexist]%Q%J [open]2drive.$$$
[ifexist]%Q%J [write]gone2drive
[ifexist]%Q%J [goto goodone]
[white]File was not copied! [goto getdir]
[ifexist]activate.$$$ [dos]misc\lul2chek.bat %Q %J
[white]Please describe [response] (one line).
[white]Updating files.bbs...[blink].[steady]
[dos]find ":"<fbbstemp.$$$ >> fbbstrip.$$$
[dos]fad fbbstrip.$$$ :
[ifexist]2drive.$$$ [dos]type fbbstrip.$$$ >> %Qfiles.bbs
[ifexist]2drive.$$$ [goto drive]
[dos]type fbbstrip.$$$ >> %Q\files.bbs
[ifexist]2drive.$$$ [delete]2drive.$$$
[ifexist]activate.$$$ [white]Do you wish to FB file area [file_carea]? [[y,N] [cyan][menu]yN|
[ifexist]activate.$$$ [choice]y[dos]fb area.dat %D
[ifexist]activate.$$$ [white]
[yellow on blue]┌───────────────────┐
│[save][lightgreen on blue] LuL2Max v3.34 [load]│[save]
[load]│[lightgreen on blue] by John Medland [load]│[save]
[load]│[lightgreen on blue] 1:250/840 [load]│[save]
[pause][pause][up cleol][up cleol][up cleol][up cleol][up cleol]
[ifexist]hotkey$.flg [menu_cmd chg_hotkeys]change
[ifexist]hotkey$.flg [delete]hotkey$.flg
[cls quit]
[white]List a directory? [[Y,n] [menu]Yn|
[choice]n[goto top]
[write][white]List %Q? [[Y,n] [cyan][menu]Yn|
[choice]y[menu_cmd raw]file
[choice]|[menu_cmd raw]file
[choice]y[white enter][goto top]
[choice]|[white enter][goto top]
[white]Enter PATH: [cyan][readln]
[ifentered] [goto top]
[dos]echo [key_poke]%D >chgarea$.bbs
[menu_cmd override_path]file
[menu_cmd raw]file
[white enter]
[menu_cmd area_change]file
[goto top]
[/toggle][ifexist]activate.$$$ [goto toggleoff]
[write]Local UpLoad Processing toggled : ON
[goto top]
[goto top]
[/help][cls][white] Local UpLoads to Maximus - Help[cyan]
To `locally upload' (copy) a file to your Maximus file areas, check
which area you are in, as the file is copied to your current directory.
Enter the file NAME and you will be prompted for the complete PATH to
the file. You must include the trailing backslash (\) at the end.
If the file copies properly, you will be prompted for a description of
the file for the files.bbs in that directory.
[white]COMMANDS which can be entered at the "File to Upload?" prompt:
![cyan]) toggles running FB and programs you've installed in LUL2CHEK.
[white]DIR[cyan]) gives you a choice of current or manually entered DIR listing.
[white]S[cyan])hell to CURRENT directory - unlike ALT-J which shells to c:\max
[white]E[cyan])xternal program you've configured to run in LUL2XTRN.
[white]Also, these Maximus File Menu Commands remain available:
[white]A[cyan])rea change [white]R[cyan])aw dir [white]F[cyan])iles [white]V[cyan])iew
[white][[[cyan]) Prior area [white]L[cyan])ocate [white]O[cyan])verride path [white]K[cyan])ill
[white]][cyan]) Next area [white]H[cyan])url [white]C[cyan])ontents
[white enter][goto top]